In an age where smartphones are practically an extension of ourselves, the idea of disconnecting—even briefly—can feel unsettling. Yet, excessive phone use is taking a toll on mental focus, productivity, and overall well-being. From increased anxiety to disrupted sleep and social interactions, our reliance on technology has deeper effects than we often realize. But is it possible to find a healthier balance?
Imagine a day without your phone: no notifications, no messages, no social media. For many people, this idea causes a sense of anxiety and discomfort. Yet, there are those who voluntarily choose to detach themselves from technology to find some peace and quiet. In the latest season of White Lotus, guests at a fictional luxury resort in Ko Samui, Thailand, can hand over their cell phones, even if only for a few hours, to unplug from their non-vacation lives and relax. Most are reluctant to hand over their phones, even if they are fed up with the calls they receive, like Timothy Ratliff, the businessman under investigation. But why does the idea of parting with your phone cause so much anxiety in so many people? The answer has a specific name: nomophobia.
The term comes from the English “no-mobile-phone phobia ,” or the irrational fear of being without a cell phone. A study conducted last month by Censuswide for Amazon Kindle, on a sample of 2,000 Italians representative of the adult population, revealed that over 91% of those interviewed admitted to not letting an hour go by without checking their phone for new updates from chats or social media. In some cases, this check occurs up to 80 times in an hour , with an average of more than once a minute.
Nomophobia: a widespread addiction to phones
Nomophobia is not just a simple habit, but a disorder that can have significant consequences on mental and physical health. Excessive smartphone use can lead to addiction problems, anxiety and even fear. The physical consequences include headaches, stomach pain, eye discomfort due to excessive exposure to the screen and wrist and neck pain caused by poor posture. According to Australian neuroscientist Mark Williams, when a notification distracts us, it takes between 60 and 90 seconds to regain concentration and return to the task we were doing before the interruption. This phenomenon is linked to another concept known in cognitive psychology as context switching cost, which refers to the time and mental effort required to switch from one activity to another. This process reduces efficiency and increases cognitive fatigue.
In an increasingly hyper-connected world, these micro-interruptions accumulate, leading to significant loss of time and increased stress levels. In the long term, the fragmentation of attention caused by notifications can impair the ability to concentrate on complex tasks, with repercussions on both work and personal life. Many studies have shown that digital interruptions not only reduce productivity but can also negatively affect short-term memory and problem-solving skills.
How to curb the effects of phone addiction
To identify the symptoms of this condition, researchers have been developing a test for nomophobia for years. The questionnaire asks participants to rate how much they agree or disagree with statements such as: I would feel uncomfortable without constant access to information on my phone. If my battery ran out, I would be scared. I would feel anxious because I couldn’t stay in touch with my family and/or friends. Among the most recognized causes of cell phone addiction are low self-esteem and difficulty maintaining social relationships.
As with all addictions, prevention is key. Some simple actions can help prevent excessive phone use from leading to extreme addiction or a more serious disorder. Among the most effective are: uninstalling some applications that we consider a waste of time, such as games. Don’t use your phone during meals. Silence notifications. Set specific times to check it and gradually reduce the time you use it. Don’t look at it while you are talking, eating or sharing free time with other people. Don’t use it as an alarm clock, as it can interfere with your sleep cycle. Keep it out of the bedroom. Leave the house without your phone.
It is essential to accept that we cannot have our phone available at all times and commit to making healthy use of technology. In recent decades, the progressive and constant increase in the pervasiveness of the use of technological devices has raised many questions about how digitalization will affect society in the medium and long term. The ever-deeper integration of smartphones, tablets and other digital devices into our daily lives has radically transformed the way we communicate, work and interact with the world around us. These developments raise crucial questions about the future: How can we ensure that technology remains a tool at the service of man and not vice versa? What measures can be taken to prevent the negative effects of digitalisation while preserving its undoubted benefits?
This article was originally published by Lucia Antista on the Marie Claire Italy website.