Is at-home Pilates really as effective as going to a class IRL?

Is there anything hotter in the fitness world right now than Pilates? It’s the workout du jour, adored by the likes of fitness-conscious celebs like Hailey Bieber and Harry Styles.

Pilates has skyrocketed to the top of the fitness charts for 2024, offering a variety of classes from Reformer to classical, physio-led, and more. With a plethora of health benefits, it’s no wonder Pilates is all the rage.

But let’s get real for a second: Can doing Pilates at home match up to the muscle-toning and strengthening results you get from in-studio classes?

Great question. While hitting up a fancy studio with top-notch equipment sounds enticing, many coaches argue that shelling out big bucks for an in-person class isn’t necessary to reap the rewards of Pilates. In today’s post-pandemic world, accessing high-quality workouts from the comfort of your own home has never been easier or more affordable. And guess what? Pilates workouts are among the most accessible sweat sessions you can try out right in your living room—all you need is a mat.

But here’s the burning question: Do 20-minute and 30-minute Pilates workouts at home deliver the same results as hitting up a class IRL with an instructor to guide your form and provide motivation? We were curious too, which is why we turned to top Pilates experts for their take on the matter.

What exactly is at-home Pilates?

If you’re not familiar, at-home Pilates is exactly what it sounds like—a Pilates practice you do at home, your office, or wherever you choose. And the beauty of at-home Pilates is its simplicity—you don’t need fancy equipment or special clothing to get started.

“At-home Pilates refers to practising Pilates exercises in the comfort of your own home,” explains Pilates instructor Alexsandra Warburton. “This can involve following online classes, pre-recorded videos, or personalised routines from your favourite instructor. While most people use a yoga mat, you can also enhance your practice with additional equipment like a softball, resistance bands, handheld weights, or even a home Pilates reformer.”

@briannajoye_fitness DAY 1 of my 2 week pilates challenge! Will be posting the workout everyday. comment if your going to follow along 🙂 #fyp #pilates ♬ Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

The benefits of at-home Pilates

Accessing the benefits of Pilates from home has never been easier, thanks to the surge in popularity of at-home workouts. Here’s why it’s worth considering:

  1. Convenience: Say goodbye to travel time and studio schedules. With at-home Pilates, you can roll out of bed and be in ‘class’ in under five minutes. It’s a game-changer for busy schedules.
  2. Cost-effective: Let’s face it, expensive gym memberships and class fees aren’t always feasible. At-home Pilates will save you money—most streaming platforms offer free trial periods or even free subscriptions, making fitness more accessible to everyone.
  3. Inclusive and accessible: No gymtimidation here. With at-home Pilates, you can work out without worrying about others watching or feeling out of place. It’s a judgement-free zone that’s perfect for everyone, regardless of fitness level.
@amandablauerpilates I always post about this, but breaking down WHY Pilates at home has gotten me and my students better results. You can try my classes online if you want to make the switch!! #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatesinstructor ♬ original sound – Amanda | Pilates Pro

Is at-home Pilates as effective as studio classes?

Now for the million-dollar question: Does at-home Pilates deliver the same results as in-person classes? Well, it depends.

“With advancements in technology and the availability of high-quality online instruction, at-home Pilates has become increasingly effective for many individuals seeking to maintain or even improve their strength, flexibility, and overall fitness level,” says Warburton.

“However, there are some drawbacks to practising Pilates at home. Without a trained instructor present, there’s a higher risk of performing exercises incorrectly, potentially leading to injury. It can also be challenging to target specific muscle groups effectively without proper guidance.”

It’s worth noting that highly trained instructors in live classes can offer modifications for injuries or specific conditions. So, if you’re new to Pilates or have unique needs, starting with a class might be the way to go.

In the end, the most effective form of exercise is the one you’ll stick to. Whether you prefer the convenience of at-home workouts or thrive in the studio environment, the key is finding what works for you.

“All movement forms can be effective and beneficial,” says Warburton. “I believe the sweet spot lies in a blend of at-home and in-studio practice. With proper guidance from experienced instructors through online classes, videos, or preset exercises, individuals can achieve significant results at home.”

So, whether you’re already a Pilates pro looking to switch up your routine or a newbie eager to give it a try, there’s a workout out there for you. The important thing is to enjoy the journey, whether you’re rolling up to class or rolling out your mat at home.

3 at-home Pilates workouts to try today

Ready to get your Pilates on? Here are three workouts to kick-start your journey:

Home Pilates for beginners: Perfect for newcomers, this easy-to-follow flow requires nothing more than a sports bra and twenty minutes of your time. It’s a gentle introduction to Pilates that’ll leave you feeling refreshed and energised.

A banded full-body workout: Target your core, legs, and arms with this quick 20-minute session using just a mat and resistance band. Don’t underestimate the power of these small but impactful moves to sculpt and tone your muscles.

Half an hour full-body Pilates: Ready to step up your game? This 30-minute full-body workout led by Move With Nicole combines challenging exercises with restorative breathwork to leave you feeling strong and rejuvenated.

Whether you’re mastering the art of the roll-up or perfecting your plank, Pilates at home can be just as rewarding as hitting the studio. So, roll out your mat, press play, and get ready to feel the burn!

This article was syndicated from Marie Claire UK
Translated and adapted by Praise Vandeh, Marie Claire Nigeria Content Writer


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