10 daily habits that make you unhappy according to artificial intelligence

We constantly seek happiness. It is inevitable and inherent to being human, perhaps even unhealthy. We do not want a fleeting moment or a passing moment, but rather we try to maintain that emotional well-being over time. Perpetuate that feeling of joy, pleasure and personal satisfaction loaded with positive emotions that give us psychological tranquillity. But what if we were undermining our happiness? There are daily habits that make us unhappier, perhaps without realising it, and artificial intelligence points to 10 in particular.

10 daily habits that make you unhappy according to artificial intelligence

We have tested the ChatGPT artificial intelligence system on different occasions. We’ve asked about discovering strengths, improving attractiveness, and finding happiness in books. Here, our question has been clear: what are those daily gestures that contribute to making us unhappier?

His answer points out 10 habits, but not without reminding us that “we are all human, and it is normal to have days when we fall into some of these habits. However, if these habits become chronic and dominate our daily lives, they can have a significant impact on our emotional well-being.” To which he adds: “Identifying them and working to change them can contribute to greater satisfaction and happiness in life.” We tell you what they are:

1. Constantly compare yourself to others

“Spending a lot of time comparing yourself to other people, whether on social media or in real life, can lead to feelings of envy, inferiority, and a distorted perception of reality,” he says. Nothing will give us greater satisfaction than being authentic people, faithful to ourselves, and taking care of our self-esteem and confidence. Being different does not make us better or worse, but unique.

daily habits
Image via Alex Green on Pexels

2. Excessive self-criticism

Being a very hard person on oneself, as well as being meticulous and perfectionist to the extreme, does not at all help us to be happier, quite the opposite. As ChatGPT explains: “Being too self-critical and a perfectionist can lead to a constant feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety.”

“Being constantly exposed to negative news and pessimistic content can influence our perception of the world and increase feelings of anxiety and hopelessness,” explains artificial intelligence.

3. Lack of self-care

Do you dedicate time to yourself? Do you think about yourself? Taking care of our physical and mental health is essential for our well-being. As artificial intelligence explains: “Ignoring basic self-care needs, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, and time to relax, can negatively impact our mood and energy.”

4. Ruminate on negative thoughts

Sometimes we have days when we can’t help but think about the negative things that could have happened to us. The problem is when we do it mechanically and constantly. As if we can only look at life through that filter. “Spending a lot of time ruminating on negative thoughts, worries and problems can increase anxiety and sadness,” notes ChatGPT.

5. Too much time on social media

Not because of social networks themselves, but because of what their excessive consumption can generate in us. “Spending a lot of time on social networks can lead to social comparison and feelings of isolation.” Either of the two negatively influences our emotional well-being. Nothing better than interacting socially, and meeting friends, family and loved ones whenever we can.

negative habits
Image via Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

6. Constantly postpone tasks and plans

“Chronic procrastination can generate stress and anxiety as unresolved tasks accumulate,” he explains. Come on, don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today? And, metaphorically speaking, if we carry a backpack full of stones, it is better to lighten the weight and not carry them the entire way.

7. Excessive consumption of negative media

“Being constantly exposed to negative news and pessimistic content can influence our perception of the world and increase feelings of anxiety and hopelessness,” explains artificial intelligence.

8. Lack of gratitude

Here, the AI ​​system refers to the fact of not appreciating the good things we have, since “focusing on the negative can lead to a pessimistic attitude and constant discontent,” he explains.

9. Work overload

The fact of living to work and not enjoying any activity that we like, leisure time and quality rest, ends up making us feel trapped and unhappy. Artificial intelligence points out: “Working too much can affect your work-life balance, which could impact your overall happiness.”

10. Lack of sleep

“Lack of sleep can have negative effects on your mood and emotional well-being,” he points out. Sleep is vital for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. Depriving ourselves of this implies anxiety, mood swings, irritability, stress and even being prone to a feeling of hopelessness.

This article was syndicated from Marie Claire Spain


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