Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have arrived in Nigeria

In the wake of the 2024 Invictus Games, the Duchess and Duke of Sussex have arrived in Nigeria after accepting the invitation of Nigeria’s Chief of Defense Staff, Gen. Christopher Musa, to visit the country.

According to a Vanguard report, the royal couple will meet with service members and be hosted in a few cultural activities. The Defense Headquarters has expressed its honour for accepting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex invitation.

On May 8, Prince Harry commenced their journey by first participating in the 10th anniversary celebration of the Invictus Games at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Meghan has joined him for a series of engagements focused on promoting cultural exchange and honouring the resilience of service members. Their itinerary entails visits to military rehabilitation centres, sports facilities, and meetings with local organisations dedicated to supporting veterans’ welfare.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry Share Archewell Update in Nigeria
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Abuja, Nigeria

While in the country, they will participate in cultural events and discuss various topics with community leaders.

In a follow-up report by Vanguard, Dr Richard Montgomerry, British High Commissioner in Nigeria, stated that the Duchess and Duke would be visiting “in a private capacity, not an official one.” This means the British High Commission is not facilitating this visit, as the couple is “not representing the work of His Majesty’s Government on this visit.”

Fun Fact: On her podcast, Archetype, Meghan Markle recently revealed a personal connection to Nigeria, stating she is 43% Nigerian after taking a genealogy test. This personal connection adds a unique dimension to the Duke and Duchess’s visit to Nigeria.

Invictus Games in Nigeria

Nigeria gets Africa's first entry at Prince Harry's Invictus Games for wounded veterans | CNN
Team Nigeria for the Invictus Games via CNN

The Invictus Games is an international adaptive multi-sport event created by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, where wounded, injured, or sick armed services personnel and veterans compete in various sports. The event aims to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation, and promote understanding and respect for those who serve their country.

Competitors come from nations around the world, and the Games include sports such as wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball, and indoor rowing, among others. It’s not only about athletic competition but also about camaraderie, determination, and the power of sport to transform lives.

Last year, the 2023 Invictus Games were held in Germany, and 500 athletes from 21 countries were in attendance. Nigeria marked its debut alongside Columbia and Israel. Alhaji Mohammed Badaru, Nigeria’s Minister of Defense, has eagerly expressed interest in hosting the games in the future. This underscores the country’s dedication to fostering inclusivity and promoting sportsmanship on a global scale.


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