How to know if your partner is cheating on you

Getting into a relationship can be all cookies and cream in the beginning. You savour the moments you spend with your partner and learn to love them in their love language – everything is great. However, doubts and uncertainties may creep in, which is entirely okay. 


We’ve all had moments when we begin to doubt if our relationship is going well, if our partner loves us as much as we love them, or if they’re faithful. These doubts are entirely okay if you communicate properly with your partner and let them know how you feel. However, when it comes to making claims of perceived unfaithfulness, it can be tricky to navigate that conversation with your partner. 


When cheating allegations are made, the person being accused may become defensive and try to debunk the claims, especially if you do not have any concrete evidence of them being unfaithful or if you’ve been with an unfaithful partner before. Suppose you have been cheated on in a previous relationship. In that case, chances are you are more susceptible to chronic anxiety and post-traumatic stress that stems from your trust being betrayed and your feelings being hurt. This is difficult to deal with, so you might doubt your new partner.

So, how do you know it isn’t all in your head?

Paranoia and bad experiences do not go well together, so you always need certainty when doubts arise. Whether you’ve been cheated on before or you just feel it in your gut that something’s off, here are five typical signs your partner is being unfaithful. 


Change In Behaviour

We’re not detectives, but a change in behavioural pattern or regular schedule is odd, especially with no prior knowledge of why it is happening. Human behaviour patterns are based on habits, experiences, and instincts. If your partner starts acting differently or things don’t seem the same, finding out what else is changing is a good idea.


Change in Intimacy

A sudden change in emotional or physical intimacy or a total lack of intimacy is a big red flag. If the reason for this is not due to health challenges or any other communication issue, your partner might be cheating on you. 

Unexplained Absences 

If it is a live-in situation, another sign of infidelity is the constant, unexplained absences. They may provide vague excuses for why they’ve been unavailable or why they will not be able to show up for you at important events and things that are important to you. 


Changes in Appearance 

This can be tricky to spot, but when your partner begins to adopt new grooming methods or sudden physical changes, it may indicate a need to seek external validation. Sometimes, they might be trying to look a certain way to fit the preferences of their new escapade. 



To protect themselves from the emotional implications of their actions, when conversations of infidelity are brought up, your partner might become defensive and borderline aggressive. Defensiveness can present itself in a variety of ways, from denying any wrongdoing, shifting blame onto the accuser, or diverting the conversation away from the topic of infidelity. If they maintain a defensive nature when you bring up conversations about how you feel, your partner might be unfaithful. 

While this list is not exhaustive, remember that infidelity can manifest itself in various ways, like emotional and physical abuse. If it ever gets to an extreme point where you fear for your safety, seek organisations that provide resources for people in domestic violence situations. 


Treating these signs cautiously and discussing them openly with your partner is essential. Accusations without evidence can destroy a relationship, so seek professional help if necessary. Building trust and maintaining open communication is vital for discussing problems and working together to strengthen the relationship.



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