Glow up: The best skincare routines for the ‘ember’ months in Nigeria

It’s that time of year again! The ’ember’ months are here, and so is the harmattan breeze, rolling in like it owns the place, ready to snatch every drop of moisture from your skin. The festive season may bring parties, owambes, and end-of-year events, but it also brings chapped lips, flaky skin, and a dryness that makes your skin feel like the Sahara Desert.

Clear radiant skin via Who What Wear UK

But don’t worry—you don’t have to accept a life of ashy elbows and cracked heels just because harmattan decided to show up unannounced. With the right skincare routine, you’ll be glowing through the dust and dryness like it’s New Year’s Eve every day.

Here are the best skincare tips to keep you looking fresh, hydrated, and ready for all the festivities ahead.

1. Drink water, and hydrate like a pro

Drinking water via La Coéss

Before getting into the lotions and potions, let’s start with the basics—hydrate like your life depends on it. You’re basically in a desert, and that dusty, humid air is making you thirsty, so drink up! You want your skin to glow, not crack like an old leather bag, so make water your best accessory this season.

2. Layer your moisturiser

Moisturising your skin, via Jo and Co Home

This is not the time to be stingy with your moisturiser. Harmattan will snatch your moisture faster than you can say anything. Go for the thickest, richest cream and layer it on. Shea butter, cocoa butter, oils—bring out the big guns. Your skin needs all the hydration it can get especially during the ember months.

3. Sunscreen isn’t seasonal

Black girl sunscreen via The Tennile Life

Just because it’s dry and cool doesn’t mean the sun is on holiday. That UV damage is still happening, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Sunscreen isn’t just a summer fling—it’s a long-term commitment. Stick to your SPF 30 (or higher), and thank us later when you’re still glowing in January.

4. Exfoliate—gently!

Exfoliating with coffee body scrub, via Pink Detox

Dry skin can build up faster than wedding invites during harmattan. But instead of going at your face like it’s the floor you’re scrubbing before visitors arrive, opt for gentle exfoliation. Use mild scrubs or exfoliants with natural ingredients like sugar or oatmeal. Trust me, your skin doesn’t need to be sandpapered to look fresh.

5. Lips need love too

Rihanna applying Fenty lip balm via Snobette

We all know what harmattan does to your lips. Don’t get caught with that cracked, dry, “I need water” look. Keep a nourishing lip balm in your bag, car, and at home—basically everywhere. A good lip mask at night will also keep your lips soft and smooth when you need to flash that festive party smile.

6. Oils are your skin’s new best friend

Oils are the secret weapon for harmattan-proof skin. You want something that locks in all that moisture you’ve been working so hard to keep. Rosehip oil, argan oil, and jojoba oil are your best friends right now. A few drops after moisturising can make all the difference between flaky skin and a smooth, radiant glow.

This season, let your skin be as festive as your wardrobe—hydrated, glowing, and ready to slay through all the ember month’s harmattan dust. Remember, while you’re out there looking fab, harmattan might try it, but with this skincare routine, you’ll always win!


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