A simple guide to thriving through the holiday chaos

thriving through the holiday chaos

As the holiday chaos ramps up, you might find yourself in the midst of a festive frenzy—busy with shopping, decorating, and attending countless parties. Amidst this whirlwind, it’s easy to forget the most important guest: YOU. Welcome to December’s hectic dance, where stress often becomes an unwelcome companion to each joyous occasion.

We mustn’t forget the joy of the festivities amidst the holiday chaos. I remember when I was growing up, usually in mid-November, my mother would begin to shop for food items and plan with my aunties on who would buy and cook what. At home, I and my cousins would run away to play bangers and fireworks, aka ‘knockout.”

There is something unique about the Christmas season here in Nigeria, from families getting ready to travel to the village to the IJGBs flying into Lagos or their hometowns and finally seeing your long-distance cousins and family. What a joy! 

So, here’s the deal: amidst the tinsel decor and jingle bells, let’s not forget to gift ourselves some Tender Loving Care  (TLC). I’m talking about self-care, the secret sauce to surviving the holidays with your sanity intact. Buckle up for a guide on sprinkling moments of zen into the holiday madness. 

A Zen Morning Kickstart 

Forget the frantic dash; start with a slow morning ritual that screams ‘me-time.’ It could be a cosy tea moment, a quick meditation, or treating your face to some skincare TLC. The point is to make mornings a moment of reflection, not chaos. Don’t start your day by dreading it; kick it off like you mean it. 

The Great Escape 

Amidst the carol-singing, remember to schedule ‘you’ time. Sneak away with your besties for a quick brunch, watch a cheesy Christmas movie on Netflix, switch off your phone, and catch up a little. And yes, this means a digital detox. Trust me, Instagram can survive without you for an hour. It’s like hitting pause on the holiday madness and matching PJs—small breaks, big sanity savers. 

DIY Spa Vibes 

Turn your home into a spa retreat. Run a bubbly bath or a warm shower with fancy oils, throw in some candles, choose a playlist you like, and let the tunes take you away—bonus points for a gentle exfoliation and a face mask. 

Your skin deserves some love amidst the holiday craziness – seeing as we’re right in the middle of harmattan, and you don’t want to look like its ambassador.  

Holiday Glam 

Mood-boosting Christmas lipstick

Preparing for holiday get-togethers? Transform your makeup routine into a small festivity by putting on a great playlist if you like.

Instead of plain old lip gloss and mascara, jazz it up with red lipstick and experiment with colours and textures—let your makeup be your holiday canvas. You can even hire a makeup artist to get your glam on! Pro tip: glitter is not just for Christmas decorations.

The Grand Finale: Embracing the Beautiful Mess 

In pursuing holiday perfection, it’s easy to forget that imperfections can be perfect, too. Embrace the chaos. Your puff-puff might not be perfectly round, and the kids might have toppled the decorations, but hey, that’s the charm of your holiday celebration. Embrace it.

Tackle the holiday chaos head-on with a sprinkle of self-care. By doing so, you’re not just surviving the holidays; you’re thriving, sparkling, and giving the world the gift of a more relaxed and better YOU. You don’t have to do everything on this list; just find one that resonates with you and treat yourself. 

Merry Christmas! 


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