Looking for a sign to venture into the fashion job market? This is it!

So you have a passion for fashion, and you’ve done your due diligence researching the many fashion careers that exist. You’ve chosen a fashion job as a PR specialist or a fashion journalist. Now what? 

I once met a lady in a lobby, while she awaited an interview and after several discreet glances, we started  a conversation. She revealed her ambition to become a fashion journalist, which brought her to this job interview. Although hopeful, she admitted needing to be prepared and relaxed because of her limited experience in the field and sparse resume.  

What could she do to optimise the chances of landing her dream fashion job? 

Determining your professional path is one hurdle; pursuing it is another, but navigating the industry is different. 

Not to worry, we are shedding light on the essential aspects of crafting impressive resumes, highlighting industry-specific skills to acing interviews. Consider this a guiding light in your pursuit of a rewarding fashion career.

Showcasing industry skills

In the competitive fashion world, possessing industry-specific skills is vital to standing out as a top candidate. Fashion employers often seek individuals with a keen sense of style and  a deep understanding of the industry’s intricacies. These fundamental  skills and qualities make all the difference when pursuing your dream fashion career.

  • Creativity and innovation: Fashion is inherently about creativity. Employers value innovative candidates, consistently generate fresh ideas, and push the boundaries. Whether you’re a fashion designer, marketer, or merchandiser, showcasing your ability to conceptualise and develop new and innovative ideas is a significant advantage.
  • Attention to detail: The devil is in the details, as they say, and nowhere is this more valid  than in fashion.You’re welcome if that gave you “The Devil Wears Prada” flashback. Employers want candidates with a sharp eye for detail, ensuring that every aspect of a design, campaign, or product launch is flawless and meticulously executed.
  • Strong communication: Effective communication is vital in this industry, where collaboration is critical  to success. The ability to articulate your ideas clearly, work well with diverse teams, and convey your vision effectively to colleagues and clients will set you apart.
  • Technical proficiency: Depending on your specific role, mastering technical tools and software relevant to the fashion industry can be a game-changer. Whether it’s CAD software for designers, social media management tools for marketers, or inventory management systems for retail professionals, showcasing your technical skills is essential.
  • Adaptability: The fashion landscape constantly evolves, with trends, technologies, and consumer preferences shifting rapidly. Demonstrating your ability to adapt to these changes, stay up-to-date on industry developments, and pivot when necessary is valuable .
  • Business acumen: Fashion is not just about aesthetics but also  business. Candidates who understand the financial and strategic aspects of the industry, including budgeting, forecasting, and market analysis, are valuable to employers searching for well-rounded professionals.
  • Cultural awareness: In our globalised world, fashion transcends borders. Being culturally aware and sensitive to diverse perspectives is essential , especially for brands with international reach. Highlighting your ability to navigate cultural nuances can be a significant advantage.

Now that you know the industry skills potential employers are looking for, it’s time to polish your resume. 

Polishing your resume for a fashion job

Your resume is your first opportunity to make a lasting impression on potential employers. Crafting an attention-grabbing resume is  crucial to  landing your dream fashion career. These valuable tips will help you make a lasting impression on your interviewer.

  • Tailor your resume: One size only fits some in the fashion industry. Customise your resume for each job application. Highlight experiences, skills, and achievements that align with the specific position you’re applying for. This tailored approach shows  your genuine interest and suitability for the role.
  • Keep it professional: Gone are the days of bulky resumes. Your resume should contain the essentials; contact information, objective statement, relevant experience, relevant internships or freelance work. Next, list your specific achievements, education, and training; use numbers to quantify your impact where possible. Example: “I managed a team of 10 designers and increased product sales by 30% in six months.” These quantifiable achievements grab attention. Last, include a skills section with  technical skills like software proficiency (e.g., Adobe Creative Suite), languages spoken, and any specialised fashion-related skills (e.g., pattern-making, draping, or trend analysis).
  • Attach a portfolio: If applicable, provide a link to your online portfolio or attach a selection of your work samples. Visual evidence of your skills, such as design sketches, marketing materials, or fashion photography, can make a powerful impression.
  • Proofread: Errors on your resume can harm your chances of landing that job. Proofread your resume meticulously to eliminate typos, grammatical mistakes, and formatting issues. Consider seeking a second opinion from your peers or mentors.
  • Online presence: In this digital age, your online presence matters and applies to your fashion career. As an aspiring fashion journalist or writer, you can own a blog, and fashion models should post photoshoots or walks on your social media. Another tip is to ensure your LinkedIn profile is current  and complements your resume. Employers may review your online presence to gain additional insights into your qualifications and experience.

Your resume is your marketing tool that should reflect your passion, skills, and dedication to your desired fashion career. Now, here’s how to seal the deal!

Interview success: preparing for your fashion job interview

Congratulations, you’ve secured an interview! It’s time to prepare to ensure you make a lasting impression with our valuable guidance.

  • Research the company: Before the interview, dive into comprehensive research about the fashion company or brand you’re interviewing. Understand their history, core values, recent collections, and any notable industry awards or recognition. This knowledge will show  your genuine interest in the company.
  • Know the role: Review the job description thoroughly to understand the specific skills and qualifications the employer seeks . Prepare examples from your own experiences that show  how you meet these criteria. With this, your answers come across as sharp and confident.
  • Portfolio preparation: If you’re applying for a creative role—  design or styling—  compile a portfolio showcasing your best work. Ensure it’s well-organised and easy to navigate, and be prepared to discuss the details of each project and your role in it.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your responses to common questions with a friend or in front of a mirror. This practice will help you refine your answers and build confidence.
  • Questions for the interviewer: Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer. Inquire about the team’s dynamics, current and future projects, opportunities for growth, and the company’s vision.
  • Confidence and enthusiasm: During the interview, try to exude confidence and enthusiasm for the role and the company. Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake, and convey your passion for working in fashion. Don’t hold back on your passion; interviewers can see through it and determine how genuine it is.
  • Follow-up: Send a thank-you email after the interview to express your appreciation for the opportunity. Reiterate your interest in the role and briefly summarise why you’re an ideal fit.
  • Outfit selection: Fashion is an industry where appearances matter, so you must carefully  select your interview outfit with care, ensuring it aligns with the company’s dress code. Your look  should reflect an understanding of the brand’s aesthetic balanced with your style.

Common Interview Questions

Fashion job interviews typically include questions that assessing your skills and cultural fit. Here are some common questions and tips for effective responses:

‘Tell me about yourself.’–  Summarise  your background, highlighting key experiences and accomplishments related to the role.

‘Why do you want to work for our company?’- Discuss your admiration for the brand, its values, and how your skills align with their needs.

‘What’s your design/styling process?’ Outline your creative process, from inspiration to execution, and emphasise your attention to detail.

‘Can you describe a challenging project and how you overcame it?’ – Share a specific example, emphasising your problem-solving skills and teamwork.

‘What trends in fashion do you find exciting right now?’ – Demonstrate your industry knowledge by discussing recent trends and how they influence or inspire your work.

‘How do you handle tight deadlines and pressure?’ – Highlight your ability to stay organised and manage time effectively while producing quality work.

‘Tell me about a fashion icon or designer who inspires you.’ –  Discuss someone who has influenced your work and explain why their style resonates with you. You can link to the company/brand if this individual has similar values.

These interview preparation tips ensure you’ll be well-equipped to ace your fashion job interview. Good luck!


  • Grace Hans-Bello

    In love with all things artsy and beautiful. That, of course, includes the women I write about.

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  • Omotola Saba

    Hi, Omotola here, the human form of the 100 Emoji and the fashion and beauty writer at Marie Claire Nigeria. She started writing for fun and merged it with her love for fashion, and beauty. She's mostly at home, picking up yet another new hobby, scrolling through pinterest, laughing with her family or at dad jokes, or sleeping.

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