What you should (and shouldn’t) do when you report sick

Of course, you hope it never happens to you, but we’re all only human, which means the flu can occasionally knock us down. Did you have to work on that day? Then there’s nothing else to do but call in sick. Here are do’s and one don’t.

Do: Choose an appropriate method of communication

You may have your supervisor’s phone number, but is he or she really the person you should call to report your sickness? Read up on your employer’s sick leave protocol – preferably before you get sick. Who do you need to notify that you won’t be there today and how? Should you call or would it be better to email?

Do: Don’t wait too long

Does your workday officially start at eight o’clock? Then it won’t be appreciated if you only let them know you’re not coming at half-past eight. Inform them in time that you’re unfortunately sick, so your employer can act accordingly and minimise the impact of your absence on the team.

Do: Provide updates

Communication is key, even when you’re sick. You may know you’re still very sick in bed on day three, but your supervisor doesn’t know how you’re feeling. By communicating this, your employer knows you won’t be back in action anytime soon. It’s nice for your team to have an idea of what to expect, even if you don’t know when you’ll be better.


How you recover is up to you, but it might be better not to share anything about it on social media. Of course, many people watch a TV show or a movie when they’re sick on the couch, but your colleagues who follow you on social media don’t need to see that you’re having a Game of Thrones marathon. It could make them doubt your illness. And even if they don’t think that, it doesn’t come across as very sympathetic to your colleagues who are taking on your workload while you’re absent.

This article was syndicated from Marie Claire Netherlands
Translated and adapted by Praise Vandeh, Marie Claire Nigeria Content Writer


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