Setting the record straight on pubic hair and hygiene

One would think that the notion of women needing to be completely hairless had been left behind with the early 2000s—along with razor-thin eyebrows and low-rise jeans. Yet here we are again—debating whether having pubic hair somehow makes a woman “dirty.”

Pubic hair campaign via Refinary29 Australia

Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.

Why pubic hair exists 

Removing pubic hair via Wiki how

First, let’s discuss biology. Pubic hair isn’t some unnecessary quirk of evolution—it has a purpose. According to Dr Lauren Streicher, a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Northwestern University, pubic hair is a protective barrier against bacteria, friction, and other environmental factors.

Pubic hair facials via Refinary29 Australia

“Pubic hair helps reduce friction during physical activity and intimacy, and it acts as a barrier to keep bacteria and dirt from entering the vaginal area,” Dr Streicher explains. “Removing it doesn’t necessarily make you cleaner—in fact, it can sometimes cause more irritation and increase the risk of infections.”

So, contrary to the belief that a hairless pubic region equals better hygiene, the opposite can be true. Shaving or waxing creates tiny cuts and irritation, which can lead to infections like folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles), ingrown hairs, and even an increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), according to a study published in JAMA Dermatology.

Cleanliness is about hygiene, not hair removal

Shaving your bikini area via The Everygirl

Hygiene isn’t about keeping pubic hair or not, it’s about how you take care of yourself. Whether you’re completely bare or rocking a full bush, cleanliness depends on regular washing with mild soap and water.

Dr Jen Caudle, board-certified family medicine at Rowan University, emphasises that “pubic hair doesn’t cause bad hygiene. What matters is that you wash the area properly and maintain good personal care habits.”

Types of Bikini area waxing via Cosmopolitan

The idea that pubic hair is “dirty” is more about societal beauty standards than medical reality.

The root of the stigma

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Throughout history, hairlessness has been marketed as the ideal for women, largely fuelled by advertising and beauty trends. The rise of the bikini wax in the early 2000s coincided with the popularity of lingerie brands and adult entertainment that promoted the idea of a completely bare look. Over time, this aesthetic preference became intertwined with hygiene, despite having no medical basis.

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The idea that women must be hairless to be “clean” isn’t about hygiene—it’s about control. The beauty industry and societal norms have long commodified women’s bodies, pushing the idea that smooth, polished skin is the standard of femininity. Pubic hair disrupts this curated image, representing something natural and autonomous rather than something designed for consumption.

By branding body hair as “unclean,” these standards reinforce the idea that a woman’s natural state needs to be “fixed” to be desirable or respectable. It’s not about hygiene—it’s about keeping women in a constant cycle of self-modification to fit a manufactured ideal.

The risks of hair removal

If you choose to remove your pubic hair, that’s completely valid—but it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides.

This isn’t to say you should never shave—just that the idea that hair removal is automatically “cleaner” isn’t backed by science.

The bottom line: It’s your choice

Vagina health via Syren Intimate

At the end of the day, your pubic hair is just that—yours. If you love the feeling of being smooth, go ahead and wax. If you prefer to let it grow, that’s perfectly fine too. What’s important is that you’re choosing for yourself, not because of outdated myths about cleanliness.

In conclusion, body hair is not the difference between being clean and dirty, and medical experts have proved so.


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